Wednesday 24 April 2013

First Multi-Camera Live TV Event: Introduction & Pre-Production

Once we had completed analysis on our live TV events, we were sorted into groups in order to create and produce a 10 minute TV show about them.

I was put into a group with Joe, Alice, Shannon and Connor. We were all quite happy with our team as we all wanted to tackle this unit as best we could and do really well, first time round.

Once we met as a team we decided on a team name and delegated the production roles. We came up with the following.

Team Name: On The Ball

Joe: Director

Andrew: Producer

Alice S: Vision Mixer

Connor: Sound Supervisor

Shannon: Floor Manager

Each of us decided on these roles, as they were thing each of us hadn't had the opportunity to do before.

After we had decided who would be carrying out each role, we delegated the pre-production paperwork. Joe and Shannon completed the floor plan, which made most sense as Shannon would be running the floor and Joe would be directing the action. Myself and Alice completed out the running order whilst Connor started looking at writing his section of the script.

I feel one thing that could have run more smoothly throughout this part of the pre-production process was the writing of the scripts. We all decided to write up our own sections, based on our analysis from the week before, however I feel we could have saved time with re-editing them together if we'd done them as a team to start with. This is something I shall definitely learn from and ensure happens in the next show we create.

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